Heart Nutrient

This Is The Place where we able to reconsider our perspective in life...


Life have never walked smoothly, diametrical without resistance like turnpike. Life is devious, up and down, fall and up, go forward and retreat. Life has never become an easy problem. Life also never turn into a perfect mode. Please, don't ever expecting perfection in any case. Because the perfection in this life are impossible and absurd matter to be realized. 
If there is no way to become a perfect things, then why do we torturing ourselves to reach the plenary result without handicap ? Even when all of those efforts are going to hurt some people, because we insists to keep our ego. In fact, we were created with all of limitation in order to struggle to penetrate the boundaries. That's important meaning from a period of our life. Struggling is the nickname of life. By struggling, we understand that there's nothing free in this life . Everything has their own price. Like old saying, there is no failure, it's just a winning in delay. So there is no failure, there just one nearer step a head to successfulness.

The meaning of struggling is never give up. Difficulty and temptation is as artistic as struggling. Just see it as an art masterpiece. Without curves, of course its would never become the most beautiful masterpiece. That way also with life. Difficulty is just hills we must pass by to reach the beautiful valley ahead. Sometimes we forget, that at the opposite of adversity, there is a happiness waiting after. Sometimes we are too busy  cursing the situation. Sometimes we forget, that difficulty in this present time is the price for the our efficacy  in the future. 
Struggling in unperfectionism can become a beautiful matter. The only problem we have is pursuing perfection.  We never be a perfect  person. All we can do is trying the best to become a better person than previously.  Start from in this time, just drop our ambition to pursue a perfection. Just start to learn how to transfer our maximum energy for the right purpose, become a better person If we able to do this,  one day in the future when we face to this time, we will realize something, that somehow we already  become a better  person.


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