Heart Nutrient

This Is The Place where we able to reconsider our perspective in life...


Once upon a time, there was a rich king. His fortune was very abundance. Golds, jewels, diamonds, and all the valuable stone already became his. His lands, extend till as far as eye look into. Tens of palaces, and hundreds of servants ready to served him.
He govern cruelly, so that everything that he wanted always able to be fulfilled. But, all those things still did not make him satisfied. He always felt less. His slept not well, and his heart always felt unhappy. He felt that life so miserable.
One day, he called the best soldier. King said ,”I already have a lot of fortunes. But, I never feel happy. So, I command you to serve my will. Just go across the country and find the happiest person in this kingdom. Then, bring me his clothes.”
“Find until the end of nature and firmament. If I can get those clothes, surely, I will be happy everyday. I’ll make my self happy with the clothes,” ordered the king.”And I don’t want you back without that clothes. Otherwise, your head will be dismembered !”
            The soldier took that order immediately. He prepared hundreds of soldier to finished the order. So, they went to searched that thing. They went for months. Fringing every places, as king’s order. They examined every village to found the happiest person, and took his clothes.
            The King grew impatiently. He kept waiting, and waiting till felt bored. Finally, after months of searching, the soldier was back. He walked with his head bent down, crawled by the hands and foot at the floor, like requested mercy from the king. The King’s anger started to emerged, when the soldier came with empty hands.
            “Come here, quickly ! You just have ten seconds before get to be dismembered ! Explain to me, why you dare to disobey my order. Where is the cloth of happiness !” the king’s face grew red.
            With tears gleaming in his eyes, the soldier started to spoke, “Your majesty, I already fulfill tour order. I have been searching the whole kingdom, for finding the happiest person. I already found him.”
            Then, the King asked him again, “Then, why didn’t you bring his happiness cloth ?”
            The soldiers answered, “Forgive me, your majesty. That happiest person doesn’t has cloth named happiness.”

            My friend, there are no happiness clothes in this world. Because, sometimes happiness doesn’t need anything except that feeling itself. That feel present in simple forms.
It is very often that we cannot find happiness among the shimmer of fortunes and jewels. It is very often, that happiness doesn’t present in the beauty of luxirous. palace And yes, happiness sometimes isn’t coming from how big our income, how luxurious our house, how shimmering our crystal lamps we have, and how beautiful silk we worn.
        Though, it is often that happiness emerge from simplicity and humility. Sometimes, this feeling coming from a little house that the people within willing feel grateful to the present of the house. Sometimes, that happiness presents at the continuity thanks to the God.
        Because, my friend, that happiness residing in our heart, in this soul. Happiness doesn’t placed far from us, so long as we want to find it. Yes, as long as we want to grateful of what we had. Is there “happiness cloth” already you worn within the heart ? Just find it within our heart.

( source : www.resensi.net )


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