Heart Nutrient

This Is The Place where we able to reconsider our perspective in life...


Exhausted. It is the loyal companion of human's activity. It has many forms, from physical to mental. According to the biology term, exhausted caused by the lactac acid accumulation in the muscles as the results of glycogen oxidation in order to change become energy. This lactac acid will lead to the uneasy and painful feeling. If we keep pushing it, these lactac acids with make some muscles disfunction. This disfunction able to create trauma and muscle strech.        
Exhausted in physchology term has different definition. Exhausted define as the weaken of emotional control to think, act and analyze something. In the certain path, exhausted able to eliminate emotional control, so the complicated feeling easily to come out at the surface, such as crying and anger.  If we make a conclusion, exhausted is a body demand to be rested. We are blessed by the exhausted. Why ? Because,  by feel exhausted, we just give a little break for body, brain and soul for a while. Rest for a moment. Just imagine, if we don’t have it. We are going to work, work, work, never stop. So, without our notice, our body will "damage" and not able repaired anymore. Just like the machines, if we keep using it without a break, it will blow up. Soon or later.
 Feel exhausted than take some break always identify by remain silent, nothing to do. Though, at the contrary, the exhausted’essens is wider and deeper than that. There are the calm principle, power building process, relaxation activity, deep thought and wide thinking continuity. There is the calm principle, because exhausted give us enough time to take a break and remain silent for a while. Absorbing the noisy around us in silence. Taking the meaning by standing as an independent figure out of the circle. So, we able to see focus and clearly. With no much movement, mind detoxification process able to do maximally. Eliminating bad things and leaving the positive things.
Besides, there is power building process in this exhausted things, because tired sent a response to body to take a break for a while. Eliminating the lactic acids, swept the exhausted in every muscle. By remaining silent, body’s metabolism will find it’s own stability. Every messy nerve will put back to the places. The freshness will appear smoothly. And the body will prepare the new energy, spirit and faith to move on the delaying projects.
We will have relaxation activity during the exhausted, because tired gives body and brain to stretch the muscles, cooling down the emotional temper and repairing the mindset. We will able to loosen the nerves that have been pushed to work hard. Also, there is replacement for the broken cell, during this relaxation activity. Feeling comfortable, healthy and satisfied are the response as the result of this process.
Just keep working until that exhausted feeling came after you. The best recreation is working. In this shoulder, there are a lot faith and heavy obligation have to be taken. Exhausted is not a thing should be afraid of. Also it is not a justification to have retreat. Because, behind the exhausted there are a mountainous meanings. Exhausted is the other way to work ; keep silent. After the exhausted there will be a great power. Just keep looking, because the exhausted is the neglected hidden energy.


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