Heart Nutrient

This Is The Place where we able to reconsider our perspective in life...

Fight Against The Disappointment

            I have been through a lot of events in my life so far. My life has so many flavours. Just mention it, sweet, bitter, sour and even salty, I already tasted them all. I always tried to considered all those things as my path to the maturity. At the beginning, I had prepared myself to faced the worst thing, but i barely know anything. I was shocked, sad, disappointed and even angry when everything gone wrong. I was not ready yet. I was just the lost child. Didn't know anything and didn't  have something to prepared my journey.
         Without my knowing, disappointment already became my loyal companion. Without permission, it's made my pure heart gone to the wrong direction. Hurt my honesty. I almost lost against it. Disappointment made my whole efforts seems nothing. Made me thought that I was nobody, not able to did something. Though, at the same time, there were a lot of people who lay down their problem to my shoulders. They came to me in the name of hope, something that almost faded away from me.

          I had a lot of thing that I really desired of. Most of them I couldn't achieve. At this part, disappointment came by and ruined everything, even my hope. I shouldn't felt disappointed when everything i have done was on the right way. I should keep on my faith that I had no power on my life at all. I just a human being who played certain role above the earth. I should put away this disappointment as far as I could, because it made me lost my greatful.
      I should fight against this disappointment. I should not let it ruined my minds, especially of my will to became a person who able gave the best for the surrounding. Because disappointment was just a temptation for my struggled. I wanted to became the worth person, and even when I had to throughout much pains, miserable feelings and failures, I shouldn't gave up.


Exhausted. It is the loyal companion of human's activity. It has many forms, from physical to mental. According to the biology term, exhausted caused by the lactac acid accumulation in the muscles as the results of glycogen oxidation in order to change become energy. This lactac acid will lead to the uneasy and painful feeling. If we keep pushing it, these lactac acids with make some muscles disfunction. This disfunction able to create trauma and muscle strech.        
Exhausted in physchology term has different definition. Exhausted define as the weaken of emotional control to think, act and analyze something. In the certain path, exhausted able to eliminate emotional control, so the complicated feeling easily to come out at the surface, such as crying and anger.  If we make a conclusion, exhausted is a body demand to be rested. We are blessed by the exhausted. Why ? Because,  by feel exhausted, we just give a little break for body, brain and soul for a while. Rest for a moment. Just imagine, if we don’t have it. We are going to work, work, work, never stop. So, without our notice, our body will "damage" and not able repaired anymore. Just like the machines, if we keep using it without a break, it will blow up. Soon or later.
 Feel exhausted than take some break always identify by remain silent, nothing to do. Though, at the contrary, the exhausted’essens is wider and deeper than that. There are the calm principle, power building process, relaxation activity, deep thought and wide thinking continuity. There is the calm principle, because exhausted give us enough time to take a break and remain silent for a while. Absorbing the noisy around us in silence. Taking the meaning by standing as an independent figure out of the circle. So, we able to see focus and clearly. With no much movement, mind detoxification process able to do maximally. Eliminating bad things and leaving the positive things.
Besides, there is power building process in this exhausted things, because tired sent a response to body to take a break for a while. Eliminating the lactic acids, swept the exhausted in every muscle. By remaining silent, body’s metabolism will find it’s own stability. Every messy nerve will put back to the places. The freshness will appear smoothly. And the body will prepare the new energy, spirit and faith to move on the delaying projects.
We will have relaxation activity during the exhausted, because tired gives body and brain to stretch the muscles, cooling down the emotional temper and repairing the mindset. We will able to loosen the nerves that have been pushed to work hard. Also, there is replacement for the broken cell, during this relaxation activity. Feeling comfortable, healthy and satisfied are the response as the result of this process.
Just keep working until that exhausted feeling came after you. The best recreation is working. In this shoulder, there are a lot faith and heavy obligation have to be taken. Exhausted is not a thing should be afraid of. Also it is not a justification to have retreat. Because, behind the exhausted there are a mountainous meanings. Exhausted is the other way to work ; keep silent. After the exhausted there will be a great power. Just keep looking, because the exhausted is the neglected hidden energy.


How are you today, mom ?
Hopefully that pure smile in your calm face will always stands this day
Making the day has more meanings and hopes
Making your little child face the sun bravely
The calm face which always full of forgiveness is making you to keep humble
Step a head to the truth that you trust perfectly
Keep smile in softeness, even when the difficulties barricades your struggle

How are you today, mom?
Hopefully that your words still nicely stands up to write down the hard life stories into simple tasks
Straight advices always comes from your wisdom thought
I never caught you in bad speak about your surroundings
Also, I never caught you in swearing when they put you aside
Everything about you is going with the flow

How are you today, Mom ?
Hopefully that your heart is still pure
Never contamined by lies and jealousy that stick around you
Remains wise to clear the world’s messy problems
Remains wise to take every naughty things from this your little child
Just consider its as a natural case
Just consider its as the maturity process of your little sweetheart
Even, there were many times when I ripped your heart
Though, how deep I stabbed your heart, it will just lead to how deep your compassion and forgiveness to me
Oh… Mom, where did you get all those wisdoms ?

How are you today, Mom ?
I still remember very clearly, every words from your anger, that I felt so hurt stabbed to my heart
I still remember very clearly, when many kinds “No” came from you, that made my young soul very disturbed
Really, I’ve never imagine will miss all of those things. Until now…

How are you today, Mom ?
Hopefully that your comfort shoulder will always become a home to stay for me who always missing you
Hopefully that safe hugs contains  a lot of love will always stays when failure come to stop by
Hopefully that great hold will always support me when optimistic starts to fade away from my will
Hopefully that proud gaze will always accompany my changing into an independent person
Including, the cries that accompany my journey for finding the true meaning of life
Achieving your hope to me, becoming a worth person

How are you today, Mom ?
The world already recognize me as a hero
A child who able to face the sun, stands against the wave, and fight to the winds
Am I a mighty ?
No, I am not… definitely not..
I am just your fragile little child
I still need your comfortable hug, a place for me to hide from human’s jokes

How are you today, Mom ?
Now, I come to you
Knocking you love
After all of the exhausted from the long journey I can’t hold on anymore
Hoping that your aged beautiful face still appearing the light of life
Hopefully that will still able for me to taste, make me sure and say,
Yes….this is the time
Time to reflecting my self, how I always forgetting my mom when happiness comes through my window
Time to fall in love, once again, to the person who always making me as her whole world
Time to give thanks to Alloh, for giving me the greatest gift I’ve ever had, Mom.

( Happy Mother’s Day, December 22nd )


Once upon a time, there was a rich king. His fortune was very abundance. Golds, jewels, diamonds, and all the valuable stone already became his. His lands, extend till as far as eye look into. Tens of palaces, and hundreds of servants ready to served him.
He govern cruelly, so that everything that he wanted always able to be fulfilled. But, all those things still did not make him satisfied. He always felt less. His slept not well, and his heart always felt unhappy. He felt that life so miserable.
One day, he called the best soldier. King said ,”I already have a lot of fortunes. But, I never feel happy. So, I command you to serve my will. Just go across the country and find the happiest person in this kingdom. Then, bring me his clothes.”
“Find until the end of nature and firmament. If I can get those clothes, surely, I will be happy everyday. I’ll make my self happy with the clothes,” ordered the king.”And I don’t want you back without that clothes. Otherwise, your head will be dismembered !”
            The soldier took that order immediately. He prepared hundreds of soldier to finished the order. So, they went to searched that thing. They went for months. Fringing every places, as king’s order. They examined every village to found the happiest person, and took his clothes.
            The King grew impatiently. He kept waiting, and waiting till felt bored. Finally, after months of searching, the soldier was back. He walked with his head bent down, crawled by the hands and foot at the floor, like requested mercy from the king. The King’s anger started to emerged, when the soldier came with empty hands.
            “Come here, quickly ! You just have ten seconds before get to be dismembered ! Explain to me, why you dare to disobey my order. Where is the cloth of happiness !” the king’s face grew red.
            With tears gleaming in his eyes, the soldier started to spoke, “Your majesty, I already fulfill tour order. I have been searching the whole kingdom, for finding the happiest person. I already found him.”
            Then, the King asked him again, “Then, why didn’t you bring his happiness cloth ?”
            The soldiers answered, “Forgive me, your majesty. That happiest person doesn’t has cloth named happiness.”

            My friend, there are no happiness clothes in this world. Because, sometimes happiness doesn’t need anything except that feeling itself. That feel present in simple forms.
It is very often that we cannot find happiness among the shimmer of fortunes and jewels. It is very often, that happiness doesn’t present in the beauty of luxirous. palace And yes, happiness sometimes isn’t coming from how big our income, how luxurious our house, how shimmering our crystal lamps we have, and how beautiful silk we worn.
        Though, it is often that happiness emerge from simplicity and humility. Sometimes, this feeling coming from a little house that the people within willing feel grateful to the present of the house. Sometimes, that happiness presents at the continuity thanks to the God.
        Because, my friend, that happiness residing in our heart, in this soul. Happiness doesn’t placed far from us, so long as we want to find it. Yes, as long as we want to grateful of what we had. Is there “happiness cloth” already you worn within the heart ? Just find it within our heart.

( source : www.resensi.net )


Life have never walked smoothly, diametrical without resistance like turnpike. Life is devious, up and down, fall and up, go forward and retreat. Life has never become an easy problem. Life also never turn into a perfect mode. Please, don't ever expecting perfection in any case. Because the perfection in this life are impossible and absurd matter to be realized. 
If there is no way to become a perfect things, then why do we torturing ourselves to reach the plenary result without handicap ? Even when all of those efforts are going to hurt some people, because we insists to keep our ego. In fact, we were created with all of limitation in order to struggle to penetrate the boundaries. That's important meaning from a period of our life. Struggling is the nickname of life. By struggling, we understand that there's nothing free in this life . Everything has their own price. Like old saying, there is no failure, it's just a winning in delay. So there is no failure, there just one nearer step a head to successfulness.

The meaning of struggling is never give up. Difficulty and temptation is as artistic as struggling. Just see it as an art masterpiece. Without curves, of course its would never become the most beautiful masterpiece. That way also with life. Difficulty is just hills we must pass by to reach the beautiful valley ahead. Sometimes we forget, that at the opposite of adversity, there is a happiness waiting after. Sometimes we are too busy  cursing the situation. Sometimes we forget, that difficulty in this present time is the price for the our efficacy  in the future. 
Struggling in unperfectionism can become a beautiful matter. The only problem we have is pursuing perfection.  We never be a perfect  person. All we can do is trying the best to become a better person than previously.  Start from in this time, just drop our ambition to pursue a perfection. Just start to learn how to transfer our maximum energy for the right purpose, become a better person If we able to do this,  one day in the future when we face to this time, we will realize something, that somehow we already  become a better  person.


             Life is a great art. Life transforms into the beauty when its climbs to the top of successfulness. And life still has deep meaning when its slide down uncontrolable to the bottom of failure. Life is meaningful jorney, because in every path, there are a lot of life lessons. But unfortunately, we often forget to enjoy it.
            We as just human being cannot make this life move with our own scenario. Naturally, we want this life move smoothly, no barriers, no difficulty. Live smoothly is very pelasing, and making hapy.
            We forgot that human are dymnamic creatures. We cannot grow in stability. Human will transform into the amazing ones, exactly when limitation moment block their step.  That was the true meaning of the creation as human being
            We often forget that pain is the best companion of successfulness and maturity. Even started since our very first cries in the universe.
            Difficulty is not always become unpleasant thing. Because difficulty is the same as pain, limitation, and unhappiness. Because that’s, both of our body and soul always consider difficulty as big rivals. Though, difficulty is the best friend for reminding us of the succesfulness. It is the best preparation to become the best of all. Difficulty drive us to find the gaps solution. With difficulty, we are pushed to try harder, even broke imagination and passing our limit. With difficulty, we able to taste the sweet of succesfulness.
            We’re always asking when the difficulty coming, but we always forget for asking the reason why happiness coming to us. The pain is the manifestation of God’s mercy. Going through with the pain will lead us to respect the meaning of health and opportunity we have. Pain is the way ourselves to gaze for a moment, how hard we already keep ourselves from making mistakes. Sometimes, we consider difficulty as the barries for move further. At this point, we make fatal mistake.
            Considering difficulty as the barries just will avoid us to find who we are exactly. It will make limit to our unlimited power. The fail persons are they who don’t make their difficulty as the great challenge which must be conquered.
            Sometimes, we fight with difficulty, consider it as the enemy that have to be vanished. Really, it will just waste our energy. Though, if we reconcile with difficulty, it will swicth the role, as the best companion which accompanying us grow as the better human. No gain No Pain, doesn’t it ?
            Let’s take difficulty as a loyal bestfriend. It  is the most honest companion to reveal who we are. Let’s reconcile with difficulty. This is the time for being the ultimate person.


            Wise cannot be achieve in a course of last night. Many sorrowful and difficulty have to go through before we able to get this title. Its not easy to. Really it is not easy to do.
            We often forget to realize the result from fallen process to wake up which we experience of. If we spend a little time to gaze a moment, surely we will find the big meaning at the opposite of all difficulty
            The moment we own the big problem, its really comfortable and calming if we earn to find someone to share with. At their shoulder, we can lean a strength. At their words, we find calmness. And in smiling we find clarification. Together with them, our burden far decrease and even from their help, our difficulty is solved. From which term all that come ?
            The answer is on their delaying in broil meaning of life which they experience of. Through them, God entrust barricade and difficulty to be felt, to be accounted on and finished. To them, God gift them to feel difficulty with multifarious colour. They are the chosen people which made feel beforehand various distress and barricade. Until then, with the fall process to wake up and remarkable pain, They later; then born to become a new human being with goal feel different life from previously. Human being which looking into life in perspectively newly. And this called wise.
            The reality, the wisdom of this calm people, coming from distress which God give to they taste beforehand than us. In consequence, the wise people are extraordinary people who change ugly matter become pearl. And with  pleasure, they are dividing it to us. What a lucky we are, if these kind people reside in around. Because its really will only the positive energy which shine from them which always look into life with constructive side.
            The question now is can we become like them ? Chosen people who awakening from ashes and turn into a phoenix giving august at their surrounding.


Humility is a cooling wellspring. Its always become a healer. Its able to mellowing the hardness of the rocks, because humility are the  perity drops itself. Humility able to attract the sympathy, that sometimes so difficult to be reached for. Its inviting pure love that able to heal the broken heart.
Humility is the beginning for opening the secret of nature. It is the very first bollard for finding the true meaning of life. Humility always going to the final destination, the attainment of high science. Humility will lead us to become the people who always know and understand that each of us have a lot of lacks. This is the reason, why people will always find something new, that they don’t know before. It is imposible for  experiencing life without learning process.
Science is the enemy for the arrogant people. Just like water against the high place. Arrogant just like black screen that avoiding us to see everything from many sides. Arrogant will lead us to act defensif from every truth that coming to us.
Arrogant makes us feel like a saint, underestimating the others, and declare ourselves as the greatest one on earth. Though, from this point, the stupidity start to grow rapidly. So that, we already dead within our soul.
If the ones already have science better, instead become vain, they will get more humble. Realizing that they are nothing and nobody.
There were a lot of people have been destroyed, caused by their arrogancy. They felt as the greatest amongs the other, even dared to challenged God. History notes their story  so that can be made as a lesson for the later generation.
Humility is a way to touch heart by heart itself. There is no more synchronized communications except with heart itself. People will get touch when they see humble person, because these people willing to accept the inputs, feel no shame to keep learning, and do not unwilling to be criticized. Humility will create an emotional contiguity. This is the best part become human being. Accepted by the others.


           Every man have their own weakness. So people said, when they find resinstance, insuffiency and incapability in doing something. Life is not fair. So that people denial, when the situation move forward uncontrollable. Is that true ?
            Weakness or even strength, just a word to describe a certain condition. It just a word, non a fact. Because in the reality, weakness often become a powerful weapon at some case. So that with the strength. At some point, strength even able to destroy ourselves. Strength able to transform become the massive destroyer for those who have it. So where is the truth ?
            The truth placed at our view. The way we see the things. Our biggest problem is not based on how many insuffiencies we have, but based on how deep we see the meaning of everything.
            Weak people, are not the ones who have many insuffiencies. But, weak people are the ones who never able to see good side of any occurences. Weak people are the ones who always curse every failure and blaming the less opportunity. Weak people are the one who always trying to become a winner, don’t care how many victims because of it.
            The strength is placed at how many wisdom we have to process weakness as a way to the  humanist attitude, by placing ourselves always  to become a better person, never tired to achieve ultimate result.
            There are no powerful man. There's only the one who try to become better. Walking  through their weakness to the become the ultimate form, become a better person.