Heart Nutrient

This Is The Place where we able to reconsider our perspective in life...

Life Is A Beautiful Pattern

Sometimes we feel like live in some puzzles. Intertwined, chaotic, messy, unpredictable and looks messy. Sometimes, the plot makes us sometimes tired to through with it. Especially when we met and experienced something unpleasant, sad and blue confuse.

We suddenly met with a person or an event, we always say "IT'S COINCIDENCE". Everything looks like it just happened, unexpected, unplanned

Is this correct?

all this questions can be answered only with a significant sentence "There are no accident". God Already drew the whole story above the skies.

Even in slight it looks like a tangled, but if we want to see more, everything on this earth is nothing but a pattern of beauty is leading us in one estuary, Alloh KNOW ...

The problem is, are we willing to see all these magic that with a more divine perspective ? There is no single thing happen above the earth without Alloh's knowing.

Then, what moral lesson?

Life is about journeys .... Life is about lesson .... Life is about taking your faith undoubtly ....

Dare to face the world, because painful is just a preparation to hold the happines..

And most importantly ...

Maybe something that we're realy horrified is a good thing for our sake.


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