Heart Nutrient

This Is The Place where we able to reconsider our perspective in life...

Opportunities In Life

In a fertile field, there are 2 pieces that lay seed. The first seed said, "I want to grow up. I want to set my seed in very deep in this land, and grow shoots my seeds on this land. I want to spread all of my seeds to greet the spring. I want to feel the warmth of the sun, and the softness of the morning dew on the tops of my leaves. "

And the first seeds of the program grows, the more towering.

Seedlings of both murmured. "I'm afraid. If i planted my roots  into this land, I do not know, what will meet down there. Is not there a very dark? And if push down my buds above, not later my bud's beauty will be lost? It would be my buds torn. What would happen if tmy buds open, and the snails trying to eat it? And certainly, if I grew up and broke, all kids will try torevoke me from the ground. No, it would be better if I wait until everything is safe. "

And seed was waiting, in solitude.

A few weeks later, chickens scratch the ground, find the second seed said, and eat immediately.


People, indeed, there is always a choice in life. There's always plays that we must live. However, often we are in pesimisms, fear, doubt, vacillation and indecision, we've created yourself. We are often persuaded by the reasons for not going to go, do not want to look alive. Because life is a choice, then, face it bravely. And because life is a choice, then, choose wisely.
Companions, each option is always there accompanying risk. But do not let fear, doubt and indecision, we stopped.

ps. "Open every door of opportunity that came knocking, because, who knows, it did not knock the door twice." (Hilman, Lupus I)

Source : Resensi.net

Don't Be Afraid Of Problems

Let prism of the problem .. Our quality depends on the magnitude of the problem we have to face. The problem is not coming to complicate our lives. It is a tool we need to grow stronger

Humans grew up with problems. The bigger problem that he managed to finish, then the better person he will attained. Indeed, sometimes we have to fall and get up, stumbled and fell, wounded and bleeding. Many persons are not ready and able to face this painful process. Some of them retreated, surrendered, and lost. These are the people who choose not to believe theirselves. They dont want to believe that there will be a fine day after the storm. They forget, that if they hold it lasted a minute longer, then a new day in the hope that better will come.

Problem is how to force ourselves to fight the limit of ability. Do not ever expect that after we successfully completed a problem, it will be easier next. Problems we face today, is the preparation to face the problem that much greater ahead. Because, only by this way, people can grow amazingly.

We recall that a problem is like fighting. Don't you know that each of us has been given scattered reinforcements around us to deal with all the cases. But we often do not realize, and assume that we are struggling alone, thinking that we are most miserable person in the world. We forget the assistance which was actually around. All we have to do is open our eyes and ears open, and we will find the help we need.

Do not be afraid of problem.Be afraid of how easy we surrendered. Life is a struggle. But, because that's life so interesting to be lived

Life Is A Beautiful Pattern

Sometimes we feel like live in some puzzles. Intertwined, chaotic, messy, unpredictable and looks messy. Sometimes, the plot makes us sometimes tired to through with it. Especially when we met and experienced something unpleasant, sad and blue confuse.

We suddenly met with a person or an event, we always say "IT'S COINCIDENCE". Everything looks like it just happened, unexpected, unplanned

Is this correct?

all this questions can be answered only with a significant sentence "There are no accident". God Already drew the whole story above the skies.

Even in slight it looks like a tangled, but if we want to see more, everything on this earth is nothing but a pattern of beauty is leading us in one estuary, Alloh KNOW ...

The problem is, are we willing to see all these magic that with a more divine perspective ? There is no single thing happen above the earth without Alloh's knowing.

Then, what moral lesson?

Life is about journeys .... Life is about lesson .... Life is about taking your faith undoubtly ....

Dare to face the world, because painful is just a preparation to hold the happines..

And most importantly ...

Maybe something that we're realy horrified is a good thing for our sake.

Selfish ? It May Ooccasionally

Selfish ... this is one of the most difficult terms to be recognized by someone. Why so ? Because it is has a negative implication. Someone at least want to be called selfish, when in fact?

But actually, selfish is not merely a bad trait or a weakness. Just like what my friend said, "One moment of weakness that we have, will be excess and weapons." But, yes depending on each situation and condition. And vice versa.

So, why does ALLOH include selfishness in one of the treasury of human character? Because at a certain moment, can be a selfish self-defense tool of the most powerful. Without a sense of selfish, humans would not have the ability to survive in difficult circumstances. The essence of selfishness is not "selfish". While pinned, a sense of "selfish" is what can make us survive? Impressed MEAN? Ah, it's not ....

Also, why does male has more
selfishnes sense than woman? Because male's future is as the leader of a  family that inevitably must always stand up straight from the brunt of living for the family. So, this selfish thought will help them to cope any matter and keep strong.

So, what is the  moral lesson, then?
Yes, indeed ALLOH  not create anything in vain.
If you feel inferior because you do have many weaknesses, STOP it. Right now. Because the weakness in ourselves is also a potential strength that has not been explored. 

So, BE PROUD OF Ourselves


When King Louis XVI was overthrown from the throne and thrown into prison, her son who is a prince of the royal heir was kidnapped by people who mengkudeta kingdom.

The prince faced with things that are most morally repugnant. They think, if the prince be affected in worldly temptations it will not be able to reach his destiny as king.

Every day, the prince was treated to a lavish variety of foods that number is much, wine, the prostitutes are very erotic, even obscene words and rough that is not fit to say the noble like him.

Day by day, until finally after six months, they gave up. The prince was not tempted at all to the temptations of the world. They also asked why the prince was so strong. The prince said, "I would not have done horrible things like that, because since birth I was destined for a king".

We must have the determination to defend our dreams. Can not be denied that the way to the ladder of success with thistles and thorns.

Then we can have bagaiamana determination? Most importantly we must have a paradigm or a positive self-image to ourselves. Who are we? What is our destiny in this world?

You're being yourself is the most perfect God. Your destiny is to devote himself. His name in the world. Whatever your dreams, fight on behalf of him. Therefore, any obstacle will not stop you.

If he wanted to lift you, no one can knock you down. Likewise, if he wanted to drop you, then nobody in this world that can lift you. 

Source Klik Here